Golden Piano Tuning - Columbus Ohio
Galena Ohio Piano Information
Piano tuner Bill Golden of Golden Piano Tuning tunes pianos in the Galena, Ohio area. Galena is a fast-growing, yet still rural-feeling area. Galena was established in 1809 between Big and Little Walnut Creeks, a location with a natural ten feet drop in elevation. This made it perfect for water-powered grist and saw mills.
Galena is a bit too small to have a music store, the closest probably being Music & Arts (formerly Colonial Music) in Westerville, OH. NOTE: Colonial merged with Music Arts and that’s the website name.
For piano lessons in Galena, you can find Genoa 88 Keys Studio, located north of Big Walnut Rd. and west of Worthington Rd. (614) 327-3351.
Bill Golden, Piano Tuner, is an aural tuner (as in, tunes by ear) offering piano tuning services throughout the Galena, Ohio area and rural Delaware County. Bill has been a piano tuner for more than 30 years, learning the trade from his piano tuner uncle, Nolen B. Golden,Dayton, Ohio way back in 1979. Bill is also a former associate member of the Piano Technicians Guild, Columbus chapter.
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