Golden Piano Tuning - Columbus Ohio

Piano Tuning Pricing

Piano Tuning Pricing - Golden Piano Tuning, Columbus Ohio

Residential Pricing

[Make Online Payment]
Bill charges $129.00 + sales tax for the initial piano tuning session (not including possible pitch raise – see below).

Tuning – Potential Cost / Price (not including sales tax)

Initial tuning / $129.00, plus sales tax
Pitch raise* (If your piano needs a pitch raise, Bill will raise your piano’s pitch on his first visit and then schedule a follow-up visit to do more of a regular tuning.)

Payment Methods

– Zelle is preferred (it’s in your bank app), then Venmo (add $1), GooglePay, and ApplePay. No additional charge if debit card or direct transfer.
– Checks, made payable to Golden Services, Inc. Be sure to write legibly.   🙂
– Cash is accepted. Bill does not carry cash to make change.
– Credit cards, via Square or online via PayPal. A $6 surcharge is added for credit card processing.

* A note about pitch raises. Here’s how you can get a feel for your piano’s tuning needs. A properly tuned “middle A” is at 440 Hz. If “middle A” is more than 20 cents flat (approximately 435 Hz), your piano is entering the range of a potential pitch raise situation. It is also possible that a piano has dropped so far in pitch that it can only be partially raised toward the correct pitch. This typically occurs when a piano has dropped greater than 100% in pitch. Bill can’t know this for sure until he checks the piano in person.

Here are links to apps you can install on your phone to help determine what you may need.

Pano Tuner App


other apps…



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